Connecting artists with affordable live/work space

Dynamically mapping impact
Artspace creates and restores affordable live/work housing for artists. Their buildings and reach are remarkable, and they needed a site where their properties and impact could take center stage. Large-scale photography is threaded throughout the site while automatically-generated number highlights and maps keep tabs on their open units.

what we did
Growing more space for artists
The new site has helped grow more support and space for artists by showcasing Artspace's innovative approach.
attracting new tenants
The new site makes it easy to search for properties and find rental information—imagery, floor plans, leasing criteria and more.
graphing impact
The site automatically maps and tallies new properties, so the site is always promoting the latest and greatest of Artspace's accomplishments.
attracting partnerships
Expertise and thought leadership is highlighted throughout the new site, so it's easy for future partners to understand how to collaborate with Artspace.